The Southern Lehigh Public Library is a limited public forum and provides meeting room space for library programs and for other meetings and programs of an informational, educational, cultural, and civic nature. The library meeting room spaces are available to the community consistent with the library’s mission of expression and exchange of ideas. Use of the facilities by other community groups is allowed when not needed by library or library-related activities, programs, and meetings, and when such use does not interfere with or disrupt the programs, activities, and normal operations of the library, or cause a security risk or safety hazard to library staff, property or patrons.
Meeting rooms may not be used for or under any of the following reasons or conditions:
- For a purely social purpose, i.e. family/friend parties or gatherings, business or community organization parties.
- At a time when the meeting room(s) is needed for a library-sponsored event, unless prior written confirmation has been received and payment has been made.
Southern Lehigh Public Library reserves the right to accept, renew, or reject requests for use of the room(s) under the established policy.
Southern Lehigh Public Library provides meeting room space as a public service but does not endorse the views or opinions of groups utilizing these facilities.