- Auto Repair Source Discover the most accurate, authoritative and up-to-date service and repair information for thousands of domestic and imported vehicles. All content comes from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and includes step-by-step repair information, diagrams, maintenance schedules, parts and labor estimates, service bulletins and recalls.
- PA Permit Practice Test
- Small Engine Repair Reference Center Find detailed repair guides for all types of small engines. Offers assistance in providing routine maintenance (tune-ups, brake service) as well as extensive repairs such as engine and transmission disassembly. Search by product type, brand, model/engine type, specific area of model/engine type and model numbers.
- Gale Contemporary Authors Discover biographical and bibliographical information on more than 160,000 of todays most influential authors.
- MyHeritage Library Edition Search all historical records.
- Brainfuse JobNow! Brainfuse JobNow is an all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of career needs: whether it’s tackling a resume, writing a cover letter, developing additional skills, or adjusting to a new career. JobNow services include expert coaching and self-study tools to empower users. Users may access live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches for assistance with interview preparation, resume creation, or job searching. With JobNow, users communicate in real time in our online whiteboard by typing, drawing, and marking-up lessons and web content.
- Wall Street Journal Access The Wall Street Journal from anywhere! Follow the link to sign up or contact the reference desk for a code by emailing [email protected]. You can create your account and start using immediately! Available to SLPL home patrons only.
- Brainfuse HelpNow! Brainfuse HelpNow is an all-in-one suite of tutoring services designed for a wide range of academic needs - whether it's tackling a tough homework problem, mastering a particular topic, or writing a paper.
- Brainfuse JobNow! Brainfuse JobNow is an all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of career needs: whether it’s tackling a resume, writing a cover letter, developing additional skills, or adjusting to a new career. JobNow services include expert coaching and self-study tools to empower users. Users may access live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches for assistance with interview preparation, resume creation, or job searching. With JobNow, users communicate in real time in our online whiteboard by typing, drawing, and marking-up lessons and web content.
- PA Job Resources Discover job resources for Pennsylvania job seekers and employers. These Pennsylvania government provided resources are designed to help you find a good career, review job openings, and match you with employers.
- PA Online Learning The Office of Commonwealth Libraries has a selection of Niche Academy tutorials available on the Power Library website. Here you will find video tutorials for many topics including Computer Basics, How to Use Zoom, Helpful Links for Children and Teens, and many more!
- Ancestry Ancestry Library brings the world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource to your library. It’s an unprecedented online collection of individuals from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and more. Answers await everyone—whether professional or hobbyist, expert or novice, genealogist or historian—inside the more than 7,000 available databases. Here, you can unlock the story of you with sources like censuses, vital records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, maps, and more.
Digital Learning
- Books, Movies & More Libraries across Pennsylvania have collaborated to create this shared catalog of their collections. PA libraries also lend materials to other libraries. If the item you are looking for is located at a library that is not close to you, contact your local library to ask about an "interlibrary" loan. Because libraries acquire new materials daily, listings are updated on a regular basis. If you do not find what you are looking for this time, check back again at a later time.
- Brainfuse HelpNow! Brainfuse HelpNow is an all-in-one suite of tutoring services designed for a wide range of academic needs - whether it's tackling a tough homework problem, mastering a particular topic, or writing a paper.
- Brainfuse JobNow! Brainfuse JobNow is an all-in-one suite of services designed for a wide range of career needs: whether it’s tackling a resume, writing a cover letter, developing additional skills, or adjusting to a new career. JobNow services include expert coaching and self-study tools to empower users. Users may access live, on-demand assistance from expert Job Coaches for assistance with interview preparation, resume creation, or job searching. With JobNow, users communicate in real time in our online whiteboard by typing, drawing, and marking-up lessons and web content.
- Brainfuse LearnNow! Brainfuse LearnNow offers thousands of lessons, quizzes, and tests to help you master academic concepts including practice tests for SAT, ACT, GED, career test prep, job resources and resume/interview prep, essential computer skills business/career writing help and more!
- Creativebug By signing up for Creativebug you'll enjoy unlimited access to thousands of online art and craft classes. Watch our classes anytime, anywhere. Since our classes never expire, you can start and stop projects at your own pace. No pressure, just possibilities! Free with your SLPL library card.
- PA Online Learning The Office of Commonwealth Libraries has a selection of Niche Academy tutorials available on the Power Library website. Here you will find video tutorials for many topics including Computer Basics, How to Use Zoom, Helpful Links for Children and Teens, and many more!
- PA Photos and Documents Explore thousands of digitized documents and photographs from unique collections in libraries across Pennsylvania. You’ll be amazed by what you find!
- Transparent Language Online Learn a language online.
- Books, Movies & More Libraries across Pennsylvania have collaborated to create this shared catalog of their collections. PA libraries also lend materials to other libraries. If the item you are looking for is located at a library that is not close to you, contact your local library to ask about an "interlibrary" loan. Because libraries acquire new materials daily, listings are updated on a regular basis. If you do not find what you are looking for this time, check back again at a later time.
- eBsco eBooks Select from over 16,000 eBooks from the worlds leading publishers across all major subject areas. Perform full-text searches of a single eBook, search thousands of volumes simultaneously, browse topic categories, or read eBooks directly online.
- Gale E-Books GALE Virtual Reference Library
- ProQuest E-Book Central Authoritative ebooks at your fingertips.
- Science Reference eBook Collection Explore science from over 230 full-text eBooks! This collection of reference titles covers a wide variety of topics such as animals, biology, climate change, computing, engineering, experiments, life science, nature, oceans, physical science, and weather.
- Brainfuse HelpNow! Brainfuse HelpNow is an all-in-one suite of tutoring services designed for a wide range of academic needs - whether it's tackling a tough homework problem, mastering a particular topic, or writing a paper.
- Brainfuse LearnNow! Brainfuse LearnNow offers thousands of lessons, quizzes, and tests to help you master academic concepts including practice tests for SAT, ACT, GED, career test prep, job resources and resume/interview prep, essential computer skills business/career writing help and more!
- Britannica School PreK – 5th For more than 250 years, Britannica has kindled the spark of curiosity with stories of discoveries, people and events that changed the world.
- Gale Middle School Discover reliable and trusted information on a variety of topics to support middle school student research for government, U.S and world history, geography, literature, sciences, and social issues. Middle School offers cross-curricular content aligned to national and state standards, and presents material organized into a highly visual and topic portal approach to quickly find answers.
- Teacher Reference Center
Education / Culture
- Black Freedom Struggle in the United States The Black Freedom Struggle resource is provided at no cost to the POWER Library by ProQuest. It features select primary source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. By centering on the experiences and perspectives of African Americans, it is hoped that this collection imbues the study of Black history with a deeper understanding of the humanity of people who have pursued the quest for freedom, and the significance of movements like Black Lives Matter.
Education / Reference
- Green File This comprehensive e-resource draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology.
- Ancestry Ancestry Library brings the world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource to your library. It’s an unprecedented online collection of individuals from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and more. Answers await everyone—whether professional or hobbyist, expert or novice, genealogist or historian—inside the more than 7,000 available databases. Here, you can unlock the story of you with sources like censuses, vital records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, maps, and more.
- PA Online Learning The Office of Commonwealth Libraries has a selection of Niche Academy tutorials available on the Power Library website. Here you will find video tutorials for many topics including Computer Basics, How to Use Zoom, Helpful Links for Children and Teens, and many more!
Health and Wellness
- MedlinePlus MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Our mission is to present high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted, easy to understand, and free of advertising, in both English and Spanish. Anywhere, anytime, on any device for free.
- MedlinePlus (Spanish) MedlinePlus es producido por la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de EE. UU. (NLM, por sus siglas en ingls), la biblioteca mdica ms grande del mundo, parte de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud de EE. UU. (NIH). Nuestra misin es brindar informacin de calidad y relevante de salud y bienestar que sea confiable, fcil de entender y sin publicidad en ingls y espaol; sin costo y accesible en cualquier lugar, tiempo y dispositivo.
- PA Online Learning The Office of Commonwealth Libraries has a selection of Niche Academy tutorials available on the Power Library website. Here you will find video tutorials for many topics including Computer Basics, How to Use Zoom, Helpful Links for Children and Teens, and many more!
- AP Newsroom View the greatest events in world history with photographs, audio sound bites, video, and graphics, for over 185 years.
- Gale News Browse and read full-text newspapers from more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, plus leading titles from around the world, or search articles instantly by title, headline, date, author, newspaper section, or other fields. News also includes thousands of images, radio and TV broadcasts, and transcripts.
- Morning Call Newspaper The Morning Call, founded in 1883, is the leading media company in the Lehigh Valley and the third largest newspaper in Pennsylvania.
- New York Times Enjoy complimentary access to Compliments from Southern Lehigh Public Library. Click the link to redeem 24 hours of full off-site access. Unlimited access is available on-site using library computers or the public Wi-Fi. NOTE: This access is available only to Southern Lehigh Public Library home patrons.
- Newsbank Newsbank provides a comprehensive collection of reliable news sources covering a wide array of topics and issues.
- Wall Street Journal Access The Wall Street Journal from anywhere! Follow the link to sign up or contact the reference desk for a code by emailing [email protected]. You can create your account and start using immediately! Available to SLPL home patrons only.
- ParentTV ParentTV offers thousands of on-demand parenting videos and courses with content designed to support those who care for children, from pregnancy through to teenage years. ParentTV works with leading psychologists, pediatricians, mental health specialists, nutritionists, occupational therapists and parenting educators across the globe. Search and find videos on general parenting, play, behavior, child development, mental health, sleep, nutrition, technology and more. Most videos are under 10 minutes in length and can be accessed on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Reader's Advisory
- Nextreads Get reading recommendations for topics that interest you! Click on newsletter titles to see descriptions and example issues.
- Academic Search Main Edition Discover full-text scholarly content for major college courses. Designed specifically for academic institutions, Academic Search Main Edition provides full-text and peer-reviewed journals from nearly 1,900 full-text journals and nearly 1,300 full-text peer-reviewed journals. Subjects covered include biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, religion and theology, and more.
- Ancestry Ancestry Library brings the world’s most popular consumer online genealogy resource to your library. It’s an unprecedented online collection of individuals from North America, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and more. Answers await everyone—whether professional or hobbyist, expert or novice, genealogist or historian—inside the more than 7,000 available databases. Here, you can unlock the story of you with sources like censuses, vital records, immigration records, family histories, military records, court and legal documents, directories, photos, maps, and more.
- Britannica School PreK – 5th For more than 250 years, Britannica has kindled the spark of curiosity with stories of discoveries, people and events that changed the world.
- Cricket Media Collection
- Gale High School Edition Secondary school students will have access to age-appropriate content from magazines, journals, newspapers, reference books, and engaging multi-media covering a wide range of subjects, from science, history, and literature to political science, sports, and environmental studies.
- Gale in Context Elementary Elementary students in kindergarten through grade five will find age-appropriate content covering a broad range of educational topics such as animals, arts, geography, health, literature, people, social studies, technology, etc. Elementary includes full-text proprietary content from Blackbirch Press, U-X-L, KidHaven Press, and more! Content is continuously updated and provides interesting and important facts with connections to current and past events.
- Gale Middle School Discover reliable and trusted information on a variety of topics to support middle school student research for government, U.S and world history, geography, literature, sciences, and social issues. Middle School offers cross-curricular content aligned to national and state standards, and presents material organized into a highly visual and topic portal approach to quickly find answers.
- LISTA This e-resource indexes more than 700 journals in library science & technology plus books, research reports and proceedings. Coverage extends back as far as the mid-1960s.
- MyHeritage Library Edition Search all historical records.
- PA Library Search a single catalog reflecting the holdings of over 1,500 Pennsylvania libraries and their combined collections of over 41 million books, audio materials, reference materials, movies, and much more.
- PA Photos and Documents Explore thousands of digitized documents and photographs from unique collections in libraries across Pennsylvania. You’ll be amazed by what you find!
- Power Search Search many of the Gale e-resources available in POWER Library in one place! Find articles and information from Academic OneFile, General OneFile, InfoTrac Newsstand.
- Science Reference Center Perform research from hundreds of full text science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other reliable sources. View more than 280,000 high-quality science images from sources such as UPI, Getty, NASA, National Geographic and the Nature Picture Library.
- SIRS Discover ProQuest SIRS Discoverer
- Teacher Reference Center
- MedlinePlus MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the world's largest medical library, which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).Our mission is to present high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted, easy to understand, and free of advertising, in both English and Spanish. Anywhere, anytime, on any device for free.
- MedlinePlus (Spanish) MedlinePlus es producido por la Biblioteca Nacional de Medicina de EE. UU. (NLM, por sus siglas en ingls), la biblioteca mdica ms grande del mundo, parte de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud de EE. UU. (NIH). Nuestra misin es brindar informacin de calidad y relevante de salud y bienestar que sea confiable, fcil de entender y sin publicidad en ingls y espaol; sin costo y accesible en cualquier lugar, tiempo y dispositivo.
- Science Reference Center Perform research from hundreds of full text science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other reliable sources. View more than 280,000 high-quality science images from sources such as UPI, Getty, NASA, National Geographic and the Nature Picture Library.
- Science Reference eBook Collection Explore science from over 230 full-text eBooks! This collection of reference titles covers a wide variety of topics such as animals, biology, climate change, computing, engineering, experiments, life science, nature, oceans, physical science, and weather.
Streaming Video
- Book Flix Watch videos and read books about Animals and Nature, Earth and Sky, People and Places, ABCs and 1, 2, 3s, Family and Community, Music and Rhyme, Adventure, and more. Enjoy read aloud with words highlighting and interactive games. Some films and books are available in Spanish too!
- Books, Movies & More Libraries across Pennsylvania have collaborated to create this shared catalog of their collections. PA libraries also lend materials to other libraries. If the item you are looking for is located at a library that is not close to you, contact your local library to ask about an "interlibrary" loan. Because libraries acquire new materials daily, listings are updated on a regular basis. If you do not find what you are looking for this time, check back again at a later time.
- Creativebug By signing up for Creativebug you'll enjoy unlimited access to thousands of online art and craft classes. Watch our classes anytime, anywhere. Since our classes never expire, you can start and stop projects at your own pace. No pressure, just possibilities! Free with your SLPL library card.
- True Flix Learn about people, places, nature, history, and science from videos and eBooks on topics such as American Indians, Ancient Civilizations, Farm to Table, The Civil War, Continents, The Thirteen Colonies, U.S. Government, Disasters, Earth Science, Experiments, Extreme Science, Nature, and many more.